

2 comentários:

  1. Maria Eduarda Mesquita3 de abril de 2018 às 15:11

    Every day , i wake up at Five o clock a.m., after this i have a good shower . In the breakfast i have a sawndwich , grapes and cookie today,and after this i get dressed . At 7:00 a.m. , i go to the school, my firt subject is P.E. the second is Portugues my third class is math.After i have break time and after subjects are Portugues and math , i came back to home,and have lunch .My lunch is rice,beins,beef and farofa.Ater that i go to my english course,go to my house do all of my homework , have dinner , watch TV cartoons and go to bed and sleep.

  2. Hi, my name is Antonio. today I will tell a little of my routine. every day of the week (except Saturday and Sunday) I wake up 6am to go to school. Monday and Wednesday I have football Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I have nothing to do. On weekends I wake up late and go to the club with my friends. That was a bit of my routine. bye

    Antonio Gabriel 7º B
